The one and only solution to complete this task are IoT, with the help of IoT, one of AI’s powerful technologies, without the need for manual documentation or a large number of people. With the help of IoT and embedded technologies all parameters required to save energy potential and for ESG reporting of textile industries, parameters like as Raw Material, Total CO2 Emission, Specific CO2 Emission – gross (OSD), NOx Emission, SOx Emission, Dust Emission, Fuel Consumption – Coal+Petcock, Diesel Oil, Alternative Fuels, Biomass Fuels, Electricity Consumption, Specific Power Consumption, Specific Thermal Energy Consumption, Green Energy Consumption, Thermal Energy Saving, Electric Energy Saving, Amount of water withdrawal from various sources, Amount of Recycled and reused water, Direct GHG emission, Energy Indirect GHG Emission, Other Indirect GHG Emission, GHG Emission Intensity, Waste Generated (Hazardous & non-hazardous), Amount of Waste Disposed of, Amount of waste recycled etc., we can measure. It will require the installation of numerous sensing devices at the incoming and outgoing portions of machinery, as well as a power source, to collect the necessary data. The textile industry can be divided into four subunits: yarn manufacturing, fabric manufacturing, colour and dyeing, and apparel stitching. We can construct our floor plan to monitor various required data based on the subunit requirements and process intake. After the data has been acquired, the inbuilt programme will perform all arithmetic calculations and necessary procedures to create the final shape of record for the report.